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Medical Esthetic forNurse

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Medical Aesthetic Certificate for Nurses

The medical aesthetic training program is design to embrace the change in skin care in respect to the changing role of the registered nurse (RN) and registered practical nurse (RPN) who are embarking on a process of career transition in medical aesthetics.

This course is designed for registered nurses and registered practical nurses only who are interested in learning Aesthetic procedures, using aesthetic equipments, products, and providing various treatments including facial, microdermabrasion, chemical peels in a medical spa, private practice, or an aesthetics setting.

The emphasis is on client consultation, skin analysis, anatomy and physiology of the skin, patient management. Practical skills covered includes:  
Performing basic facial assessment and facial treatment using skin care product lines
performing chemical peels, using medical equipment use in aesthetic
performing microdermabrasion
Using intense pulse light laser machine performing hair removal and treating skin condition such as rosacea, pigmented lesions, acne treatment.

Program Outline

  • Introduction to medical esthetic and the role of the nurse in the Aesthetics Industry today
  • Review skin anatomy, physiology and disorder
  • Skin analysis, health history, consents, client assessment for medical esthetics
  • Skin care products, equipment use in medical esthetics
  • Safety, microbiology, regulation in a medical spa
  • Facial and performing basic facials.
  •  Chemical peels and masks performing chemical peels
  • Microdermabrasion and Facial Rejuvenation
  • Laser Intense pulse light system - IPL
  • Skin Rejuvenation use of laser in treating Rosacea, pigmented lesions, acne treatment
  • Laser hair removal
Tuition Fee does not include text, Aesthetic skin care kit. Student will have the opportunity to purchase the kit from an Aesthetic supplier at whole sale price.

Pre requisite: Non restricted license with the College of Nurses as a Registered Nurse - RN  or Registered Practical Nurse-RN, hepatitis B vaccine, TB skin test, criminal reference check. registered with the RPNAO or RNAO

Flexible schedule is available if the student is not able to take in 4 consecutive weeks.

Funding. For nurses and practical nurses in Ontario wishing to take this course, for reimbursement of tuition fees paid, contact RNAO or RPNAO for application form for funding grant up to $1500. per year

Course offered over 4 Fridays or 4 Saturdays flexible schedules and can be taken in parts.

 Upon completion of theory, passing the in class test, demonstrate proficiency of skills in class lab using the microdermabrasion, the IPL laser machine, performance of skin analysis using the magnifying lamp, application of chemical peels, and passing the final exam. The student will be awarded the Medical Aesthetic Certificate for Nurses



To book an appointment
Contact us: 905-452-8139
College of Health Studies
18 Queen Street East
L6V 1A2
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