Intensive Behavioural Intervention Certificate 

Intensive Behavioural Intervention Certificate - IBI

The intensive Behavioural intervention - IBI Certificate course is a skills building course which teaches students a thorough understanding of autism spectrum disorders.
Theories regarding causation, communication challenges, and the treatment of current  interventions techniques implemented.  Students will be introduced to the principles of applied Behavioural analysis (ABA) in the treatment of autism, and will learn how to utilized discrete trial teaching, as one of the main Behavioural techniques used in intensive Behavioural intervention - IBI.  

Student will learn how to identify beginning target for teaching children with autism, including increasing opportunity for communication. Focus will be placed on teaching procedures, discrete trial training, observation, data collection, natural environment teaching, error correction, prompting, shaping, the role of reinforcement, socialization and  task analysis skills such as using the bathroom.

Topics covered includes: 

  •  Overview of autism spectrum disorders, it's prevalence,causes, Behavioural and characteristic
  • Teaching and learning implications and strategies- research evidence of IBI, definition of ABA. 
  • Collaborating  with parents and the multi-disciplinary team to develop effective individualized program plan - IPP. or individual service plan - ISP for the child diagnosed with ASD.
  •  Creating context for instruction, general instructional approaches -  steps in teaching,setting up environment, discrete trial teaching, task analysis, shaping, prompting, fading , chaining, reinforcement, prompting, task analysis, shaping, reinforcement, data collection, pprogramming for challenging behaviour, behaviour observation, functions of behaviour, recording the (ABC's) or antecedent behaviour and consequence of behaviours, strategies use to decrease negative behaviours, motivation assessment, anger, stress, and anxiety management strategies.
  • Accommodating sensory issues, anxiety characteristics, how to design a picture activity, implementation of picture activity.
  • Using elements of applied behavior analysis instructional strategies motor imitation skills, programming, feeding, and toileting
  • Transition planning strategies,  social skills training, peer mediated approach, effective inclusive strategies in schools,

Pre-requisite :  Standard first aid cpr level C for adult and children, hepatitis B vaccine, TB mantoux skin test, criminal reference check  for the vulnerable sector. 

In addition to the pre requisites, the IBI certificate course is restricted to parents and caregivers who are caring for children with autism, aspergers, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), health care professionals, mental health nurses, therapist, practical nurses, teachers working with children suffering from aspergers or autism (ASD), teacher assistant - TA, child and youth care worker - CYW, social workers, social service workers,  early child assistant,  personal support workers, care attendant, mental health professionals, and community care workers.

 Course Duration 50 hrs including 8 hours of clinical placement working with children suffering from autism spectrum disorder- ASD. Students will have the opportunity to shadow a senior IBI therapist in a clinical setting and get the opportunity to practice some of the techniques learnt.
Mode of instruction, lecture, group discussion, role play, inclass lab, case studies and clinical placement shadowing and working with a senior IBI therapist implementing techniques learnt.
 Upon completion and passing the 42 hours theory, inclass lab, 8 hours clinical experience, completing case studies, and passing the final exam. Students will be awarded the Intensive Behavioural Intervention Certificate.  
Course is offered weekends only.

Contact us:
College Health Studies
18 Queen street East
Brampton Ont.
Tel: 905-452-8139
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To register for the next Intensive behavioural therapist course please fill out form below or call 905-452-8139