
Reflexology Certificate

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Reflexology Certificate Course Online

Reflexology Certificate Course Online

Reflexology Certificate course online is a holistic health modality course which was originally called zone therapy. A method of stimulating life force through applied pressure with the finger and thumbs on reflex point located on the feet, hands and ears. The theory behind reflexology is that these areas correspond to organs and systems of the body. Proponents believe that pressure when applied to these areas affect the organs and benefits the persons health and wellbeing.

This course is open to any health care professional who would like to use reflexology in their clinical setting or practice.

Pre requisite: Hepatitis B vaccine, knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology and Pathology of diseases, able to read and write English, able to use a computor. .

Course content includes:

  1. Discuss the theories of foot reflexology
  2. What reflexology is and how it works
  3. Identify the10 zones and the horizontal landmarks of the feet. Locate all the reflex points on the feet and ankles.
  4. Mapping the feet
  5. Prepare for treatment and consultation.
  6. Treatment techniques used in foot reflexology 
  7. Explain the treatment guidelines,
  8. Contraindications, and precautions used in foot reflexology.
  9. Perform a reflexology treatment
  10. Treatment procedures for various organ
  11. Completion of treatment and adaptation of treatment
  12. What a client might experience during a foot reflexology session.
  13. Inform consent, initial consult consent treatment form, health record form for case studies

Course duration is 16 weeks online

Students will be expected to complete a research paper, a total of 20 hands on case studies that you will find on your own.

Upon completion of passing the case studies, research paper and final exam with a passing grade of 70% the student will receive a Certificate in Reflexology.

Course is tax deductible, Certified foot care nurses will receive a 10% tuition fee discount for this course.

For nurses this course is reimbursable for up to $1500. form your nursing association.

Course accredited by National Association of Holistic Health Practitioners


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