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Diabetes Educator Cert.

Holistic Health Diploma

MedicalTerminology Online

Diabetes Educator Certificate Course

The Diabetes Educator Certificate Program is designed for professionals or regulated health care professionals to enhance their knowledge skills in diabetes education. Diabetes is a global issue. In Canada more than 3 million are living with Diabetes and increasing. According to Canadian Diabetes Association CPG 2013 approximately 80% of people with Diabetes will die as a result of heart disease or stroke.

This course is designed to be flexible, and is offered by online education with a two 2 day onsite workshop.

You will have 12 weeks to complete this course. Upon successful completion of this online program, and attendance of the 2 day workshop where you will facilitate a group on diabetes health teaching. If this is not possible, we asked that you partnered with a diabetic clinical setting in your area, the clincial area is subject to approval. Upon completion of passing the online theory, final online examination, passing facilitation of a group on diabetic health education you will receive the Diabetes Educator Certificate.

Admission requirement

  • Registered in a regulated health profession such as nursing, practical nursing, registered dietitian, pharmacist, occupational therapy, chiropodist.
  • A minimum of two years of current patient or client care experience in caring for diabetic clients in your profession would be an asset.

Course does not include text books

Module Content:

  • Introduction to Diabetes
  • Patient Education
  • Pathophysiology
  • Diagnosis and Types, Prevention and Health Promotion
  • Psychosocial
  • Behaviour Change
  • Self Management,
  • Education Strategies
  • Self care
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Antihyperglycemic Agents
  • Insulin
  • Acute Complications
  • Chronic Complications
  • Neuropathy and the Foot
  • Diabetes and culture
  • Diabetes in Pregnancy
  • Diabetes in Children and Adolescents
  • Diabetes and Sexual Health
  • Diabetes and Mental Health

 Evaluation of the course includes: case studies, group presentations, final web based examination

 For students who cannot attend the onsite 2 day clinic may have the options of attending a diabetic clinic in their community this is subject to approval from the school.

Please note: Applicants for the Diabetes Educator Certificate Program are considered to have sufficient patient care experience if they are a working health professional with a degree or diploma in a regulated health profession, who routinely interacts with patients to provide treatment, health teaching, counseling and education about disease processes and health care issues.

To register please submit registration form below. Prior approval is necessary and proof of membership with your regulatory body or association prior to complete registration. Upon approval you will be notify of the tuition and payment method and will be able to complete the registration  process in this course.

Feel free to contact us by phone at 905-452-8139 or 905-965-1966 if you have not heard from us in 1 day.



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Please submit online form and we will contact you regarding fees and approval in the daibetic Educator Certificate Course
To register by phone please contact us at 905-452-8139 or 905-965-1966 regarding approval in the program